“Believe in Better is an all new political cutting edge podcast show, hosted by the one and only Brian Levine. Brian is a certified CPA, as well as the former mayor of Franklin Township, New Jersey as well as a former gubernatorial candidate in the 2021 New Jersey Gubernatorial Republican primary. Brian features some of the most eccentric and entertaining voices in America’s political realm, such as activists, gubernatorial candidates , congressional candidates, US senate candidates, municipal candidates, from all over the country. People from all 50 states are eager to tune into this show, because we all can “Believe in Better.” Tune in Wednesday’s 8PM eastern only on the GCD NETWORK. “-Brian Levine

Believe in Better 2/8/23
This week on Believe in Better we cover a Ron Desantis controversy, the State of the Union, and our famous Hypocrite of the week.

Believe in Better 2/1/23
This week on Believe in Better we discussed the Tyree Nichols murder, the splash mountain controversy, our interview with White House correspondent Dr. Anthony Harper, the attempted embargo on gas stoves, and the outrage over the Empire State Building.

Believe in Better 3/30 Click Here
A hilarious look at Hollywood and the ‘slap’ incident at the Oscars

Believe in Better 3/23- Click Here
Interview with Massachusetts Congressional candidate, review of Supreme Court nominee, & ‘Hypocrite of the Week.
Believe In Better 3/16
Believe in Better 3/16 with Brian Levine